Language Grammar
This document describes the grammar of Wvlet language.
As of September 2024, Wvlet is still under active development. The language syntax and grammar structure may change, so use this grammar just as a reference.
packageDef: 'package' qualifiedId statement*
qualifiedId: identifier ('.' identifier)*
identifier : IDENTIFIER
| '*'
| reserved # Necessary to use reserved words as identifiers
BACKQUOTED_IDENTIFIER: '`' (~'`' | '``')+ '`'
// All reserved keywords (TokenType.Keyword)
reserved : 'from' | 'select' | 'agg' | 'where' | 'group' | 'by' | ...
statements: statement+
statement : importStatement
| modelDef
| query ';'?
| typeDef
| funDef
| showCommand queryOp*
| executeCommand expression
importStatement: 'import' importRef (from str)?
importRef : qualifiedId ('.' '*')?
| qualifiedId 'as' identifier
modelDef : 'model' identifier modelParams? (':' qualifiedId)? '=' modelBody
modelBody : query 'end'
modelParams: '(' modelParam (',' modelParam)* ')'
modelParam : identifier ':' identifier ('=' expression)?
// top-level query
query : queryBody update?
queryBody : querySingle queryBlock*
// A rule for sub queries
querySingle: 'from' relation (',' relation)* ','? queryBlock*
| 'select' selectItems queryBlock*
// For parenthesized query, do not continue queryBlock for disambiguation
| '(' queryBody ')'
// relation that can be used after 'from', 'join', 'concat' (set operation), etc.:
relation : relationPrimary ('as' identifier)?
relationPrimary: qualifiedId ('(' functionArg (',' functionArg)* ')')?
| querySingle
| str // file scan
| strInterpolation // embedded raw SQL
| arrayValue
arrayValue : '[' arrayValue (',' arrayValue)* ','? ']'
queryBlock: joinExpr
| 'group' 'by' groupByItemList
| 'where' booleanExpression
| 'transform' transformExpr
| 'select' 'distinct'? selectItems
| 'agg' selectItems
| 'pivot' 'on' pivotItem (',' pivotItem)*
('group' 'by' groupByItemList)?
('agg' selectItems)?
| 'order' 'by' sortItem (',' sortItem)* ','?)?
| 'add' selectItems
| 'exclude' identifier ((',' identifier)* ','?)?
| 'shift' identifier (',' identifier)* ','?
| 'test' testExpr
| 'show' identifier
| 'sample' sampleExpr
| 'concat' relation
| ('intersect' | 'except') 'all'? relation
| 'dedup'
| 'describe'
| 'debug' debugExpr+ update?
update : 'save' 'as' updateTarget
| 'append' 'to' updateTarget
| 'delete'
updateTarget : qualifiedId | stringLiteral
joinExpr : joinType? 'join' relation joinCriteria
| 'cross' 'join' relation
joinType : 'inner' | 'left' | 'right' | 'full'
joinCriteria: 'on' booleanExpression
// using equi join keys
| 'on' identifier (',' identifier)*
groupByItemList: groupByItem (',' groupByItem)* ','?
groupByItem : expression ('as' identifier (':' identifier)?)?
transformExpr: transformItem (',' transformItem)* ','?
transformItem: qualifiedId '=' expression
selectItems: selectItem (',' selectItem)* ','?
selectItem : (identifier '=')? expression
| expression ('as' identifier)?
window : 'over' '(' windowSpec ')'
windowSpec : ('partition' 'by' expression (',' expression)*)?
| ('order' 'by' sortItem (',' sortItem)*)?
testExpr: booleanExpression
showCommand: 'show' identifier
executeCommand: 'execute' expression
sampleExpr: sampleSize
| ('reservoir' | 'system') '(' sampleSize ')'
sampleSize: ((integerLiteral 'rows'?) | (floatLiteral '%'))
// Note: Using signifinant indent or `-` may improve the readabiltity,
// but uses `|` to avoid conflicts with arightmetic operators
debugExpr: '|' queryBlock
sortItem: expression ('asc' | 'desc')?
pivotKey: identifier ('in' '(' (valueExpression (',' valueExpression)*) ')')?
typeDef : 'type' identifier typeParams? context? typeExtends? ':' typeElem* 'end'
typeParams : '[' typeParam (',' typeParam)* ']'
typeParam : identifier ('of' identifier)?
typeExtends: 'extends' qualifiedId (',' qualifiedId)*
typeElem : valDef | funDef
valDef : identifier ':' identifier typeParams? ('=' expression)?
funDef: : 'def' funName defParams? (':' identifier '*'?)? ('=' expression)?
funName : identifier | symbol
symbol : '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '&' | '|' | '=' | '==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '&&' | '||'
defParams : '(' defParam (',' defParam)* ')'
defParam : identifier ':' identifier ('=' expression)?
context : '(' 'in' contextItem (',' contextItem)* ')'
contextItem: identifier (':' identifier)?
strInterpolation: identifier
| '"' stringPart* '"'
| '"""' stringPart* '"""' # triple quotes string
stringPart : stringLiteral | '${' expression '}'
expression : booleanExpression
booleanExpression : ('!' | 'not') booleanExpression
| valueExpression
| booleanExpression ('and' | 'or') booleanExpression
valueExpression : primaryExpression
| valueExpression arithmeticOperator valueExpression
| valueExpression comparisonOperator valueExpression
arithmeticOperator: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%'
comparisonOperator: '=' | '==' | 'is' | '!=' | 'is' 'not' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | 'like' | 'contains'
// Expression that can be chained with '.' operator
primaryExpression : 'this'
| '_'
| literal
| query
| '(' querySingle ')' # subquery
| '(' expression ')' # parenthesized expression
| '[' expression (',' expression)* ']' # array
| 'if' booleanExpresssion 'then' expression 'else' expression # if-then-else
| qualifiedId
| primaryExpression '.' primaryExpression
| primaryExpression '(' functionArg? (',' functionArg)* ')' window? # function call
| primaryExpression identifier expression # function infix
functionArg | (identifier '=')? expression
literal : 'null' | '-'? integerLiteral | '-'? floatLiteral | booleanLiteral | stringLiteral