One of the major difference from tradtional SQL is that wvlet uses single or double quoted strings for representing string values, and back-quoted strings for referencing column or table names, which might contain space or special characters.
Operator | Description |
'(single quote)' | String literal for representing string values, file names, etc. |
"(double quote)" | Same as single quote strings |
"""(triple quote string)""" | Multi-line strings |
`(back quote)` | Column or table name, which requires quotations |
sql"sql expr " | SQL expression used for inline expansion |
sql" ... ${expr } ..." | Interpolated SQL expression with embedded expressions |
s"... ${expr} ..." | Interpolated strings with expressions |
s`... ${expr} ...` | Interpolated backquote strings with expressions |
[expr , ...] | Array value |
[[expr , ...], ...] | Array of arrays for representing table records |
_ | underscore refers to the previous input |
agg_func(expr) over (partition by ... order by ...) | Window functions for computing aggregate values computed from the entire query result. This follows the same window function syntax with SQL |
_1 , _2 , ... | Refers to 1-origin grouping keys in the preceding group by clause |
1 , 2 , ... | Refers to 1-origin column index for order by clause |
Variable Definition
You can define a variable using val
-- Define a new variable
val name = 'wvlet'
-- Variable is evaluated once before running the query
select s"Hello ${x}!" as msg
-- Returns [['Hello wvlet!']]
Conditional Expressions
Operator | Description |
expr and expr | Logical AND |
expr or expr | Logical OR |
not expr | Logical NOT |
!expr | Logical NOT |
expr is expr | equality check |
expr = expr | equality check |
expr is not expr | inequality check |
expr != expr | inequality check |
expr is null | True if the expression is null |
expr = null | True if the expression is null |
expr is not null | True if the expression is not null |
expr != null | True if the expression is not null. |
expr in (v1 , v2 , ...) | True if the expression value is in the given list |
expr in (from ...) | True if the expression value is in the given list provided by a sub query |
expr not in (v1 , v2 , ...) | True if the expression is not in the given list |
expr between v1 and v2 | True if the expression value is between v1 and v2, i.e., v1 ≤ (value) ≤ v2 |
expr like pattern | True if the expression matches the given pattern, e.g., , 'abc%' |
String Expressions
Operator | Description |
expr + expr | Concatenate two strings |