airframe-launcher: Command-Line Program Launcher
airframe-laucnher is a handy command-line program launcher.
libraryDependencies += "org.wvlet.airframe" %% "airframe-launcher" % "(version)"
Quick Start
- Import
- Create a class
with constructor arguments annotated with@option
- Call
Launcher.of[A].execute("command line")
import wvlet.airframe.launcher._
class MyApp(@option(prefix = "-h,--help", description = "display help messages", isHelp = true)
help: Boolean = false,
@option(prefix = "-p", description = "port number")
port: Int = 8080) {
@command(isDefault = true)
def default: Unit = {
println(s"Hello airframe. port:${port}")
A function annotated with @defaultCommand
will be executed.
Launcher.execute[MyApp]("-p 10010")
// Hello airframe. port:10010
// Hello airframe. port:8080
If there is a help option (isHelp = true
), command line help messages can be generated automatically.
For example, enable the help option like this:
Then it will show the following help message:
usage: myapp [options]
-p [PORT] port number
-h, --help show help messages
Available Annotations
options- You can specify multiple option prefixes (e.g.,
) for the same option
- You can specify multiple option prefixes (e.g.,
- For mapping non-option arguments. If you want to handle multiple arguments, use
- For mapping non-option arguments. If you want to handle multiple arguments, use
- Defining function or class as a command module. You can specify
and (one-line)usage
of the command in this annotation. - If no sub command name is given, a function annotated with
@command(isDefault = true)
will be executed as the default command.
- Defining function or class as a command module. You can specify
Defining Multiple Sub Commands
You can define a command module (= a set of sub commands) using functions in a class.
Add @command
annotation to functions in order to define sub commands:
import wvlet.airframe.launcher._
import wvlet.log.LogSupport
// Define a global option
case class GlobalOption(
@option(prefix = "-h,--help", description = "display help messages", isHelp = true)
help: Boolean = false,
@option(prefix = "-l,--loglevel", description = "log level")
loglevel: Option[LogLevel] = None
class MyApp(g:GlobalOption) extends LogSupport {
@command(isDefault = true)
def default {
println("Type --help to display the list of commands")
@command(description = "say hello")
def hello = {
@command(description = "say world")
def world(@argument message: String) {
println(s"world ${message}")
@command(description = "start a server")
def start(
@option(prefix="-p,--port", description = "port number")
port:Int = 8080,
@option(prefix="--host",description = "server address")
host:Option[String] = None
) {
val addr = host.getOrElse("localhost")
println(s"Starting server at ${addr}:${port}")
You can call sub commands by specifying the name of the function. The sub command name will be matched in a canonical form (ignoring case and removing any symbols like '_', '-')
// hello
Launcher.execute[MyApp]("start --host localhost -p 10000")
// Straing server at localhost:10000
Nesting Sub Commands
With addModule
, you can add nested command set
// Add sub commands `command1` and `command2`:
val l = Launcher.of[A]
.addModule[B](name="command1", description="nested command set")
.addModule[C](name="command2", description="...")
// Launch B
// Launch C
It is also possible to nest Launcher(s):
val subModule = Launcher.of[A]
val l = Launcher.of[Main]
.add(subModule, name="cmd-a", description="sub command set")
// Launch A in subModule
Packaging with sbt-pack
If you use sbt-pack plugin, you can create a stand-alone Scala program with a command-line interface:
// This example creates `myapp` command (target/pack/bin/hello) that calls org.mydomain.MyApp#main(Array[String])
packMain := Map("myapp" -> "org.mydomain.MyApp")
Run the program
$ sbt pack
$ ./target/pack/bin/myapp
Type --help to display the list of commands
$ ./target/pack/bin/myapp --help
usage: [options] <command name>
-h, --help display help messages
-l, --loglevel=[LOGLEVEL] log level
hello say hello
world say world
$ ./target/pack/bin/myapp hello