airframe-ulid: ULID Generator
airframe-ulid is an ULID generator for Scala and Scala.js.
ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier) has the following good characteristics:
- 128-bit compatibility with UUID
- 1.21e+24 unique ULIDs per millisecond
- Lexicographically sortable
- Canonically encoded as a 26 character string, as opposed to the 36 character UUID Uses Crockford's base32 for better efficiency and readability (5 bits per character)
- Case insensitive
- No special characters (URL safe)
- Monotonic sort order (correctly detects and handles the same millisecond)
Source code of airframe-ulid at GitHub
ULID Format
The ULID is a 26-character string encoded with Crockford's Base32, which excludes letters like I, L, O, and U to avoid confusion.
01AN4Z07BY 79KA1307SR9X4MV3
|----------| |----------------|
Timestamp Randomness
48bits 80bits
- 48-bit integer
- UNIX-time in milliseconds
- Won't run out of space until the year 10889 AD.
- 80 bits
- Cryptographically secure random value.
Binary Format
ULIDs can be encoded as 128-bit values, using network-byte order (big-endian, MSB first). In JVM, it can be two 64-bit Long values, or a byte array of size 16. Technically, 26 characters of Crockford's Base32 can represent 130-bit values, but ULID strictly uses 128 bits, so the largest ULID string is 7ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
, the unix time of which is 281474976710655.
libraryDependencies += "org.wvlet.airframe" %% "airframe-ulid" % "(version)"
// For Scala.js
libraryDependencies ++= "org.wvlet.airframe" %%% "airframe-ulid" % "(version)"
ULID can be generated with ULID.newULID
import wvlet.airframe.ulid.ULID
// Generate a new ULID
val ulid: ULID = ULID.newULID
// ULID.toString produces the String representation of ULID
println(ulid) // 01F3J0G1M4WQRBHGZ6HCF6JA0K
println(ulid.epochMillis) // 1618733434500
// You can generate a ULID string at ease with newULIDString
// Parse the string representation of ULIDs
val ulid2 = ULID.fromString("01F3J0G1MD4QX7Z5QB148QNH4R")
ulid2.epochMillis // 1618733434509
// Parse the binary representation of ULIDs
// Create an ULID from a given unixtime (milliseconds)
val unixTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000
// Create an ULID from a given unixtime (48-bits, milliseconds) and a random value (80-bits)
ULID.of(unixTimeMillis, randHi, randLow)
ULID.newULID will produce monotonically increasing ULIDs in a thread-safe manner. If ULIDs are generated within the same millisecond, airframe-ulid will increment the random part of ULID by 1 to enforce the ordering:
01F3HZ9V4BHVHJMMETE0MFBQKJ // <- random part was incremented by 1
01F3HZ9V4BHVHJMMETE0MFBQKK // <- random part was incremented by 1
01F3HZ9V4BHVHJMMETE0MFBQKM // <- random part was incremented by 1
01F3HZ9V4BHVHJMMETE0MFBQKN // <- random part was incremented by 1
01F3HZ9V4C8SWD21A4SCM4NMD8 // <- millisecond is changed
Empirically, generating monotonically increasing ULIDs will reduce the probability of having ULID conflicts than using completely random ULIDs, according to this report.
If you use multiple machines, however, there is no guarantee that generated ULIDs will be monotonically increasing values. We recommend having a single coordinator to generate ULIDs if you need strict ordering.
ULID can be serialized and deserialized with airframe-codec:
case class Transaction(id:ULID, status:String)
val codec = MessageCodec.of[Transaction]
val json = codec.toJson(Transaction(id = ULID.newULID, status = "committed"))
// {"id":"01F3HZ9V454BC466FPDSBTZ64G", "status":"committed"}
val txx = codec.fromJson(json)
// Transaction(01F3HZ9V454BC466FPDSBTZ64G,committed)
airframe-ulid can produce 5 million ULIDs / sec. As of April 2021, airframe-ulid is the fastest ULID generator in Scala:
$ ./sbt
> benchmark/run bench ulid
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Airframe.generateMonotonic thrpt 10 5514410.915 ± 534378.141 ops/s
Chatwork.generate thrpt 10 2063919.975 ± 62641.190 ops/s
Chatwork.generateMonotonic thrpt 10 4715112.355 ± 680190.587 ops/s
UUID.generate thrpt 10 3056452.879 ± 121768.161 ops/s
Comparison targets:
- scala-ulid (by Chatwork)
- Java's UUID.randomUUID()
Benchmark code using JMH.
Scala.js-specific Note
For Scala.js 1.10.0 or later, ULID generator uses scalajs-java-securerandom library for generating ULIDs using a Cryptographically-Secure-Pseudo-Random-Number-Generator (CSPRNG). If none of Node.js crypto module or Web Crypto API in Web browsers is available, airframe-ulid falls back to a non-secure random generator, which is useful only for testing purpose at JSDOM environment, which doesn't support crypto module.