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AsOf Join


Note: AsOf join is supported only in DuckDB, Snowflake, but not yet in Trino trinodb/trino#21759, Hive, etc.

AsOf join is useful when you want to join two tables by looking at the most recent value from the specific time (as of this time) for each record.

For example, if you want to know the share holding value at a specific date, you can join the holding table with the stock table by looking at the most recent stock price at the holding date:

with holding(symbol, date, shares) as [
['AAPL', '2024-11-07', 1.0],
['AAPL', '2024-11-08', 2.0],
['AAPL', '2024-11-09', 3.0],
['AAPL', '2024-11-10', 4.0],
with stock(symbol, date, price) as [
['AAPL', '2024-11-07', 10],
['AAPL', '2024-11-08', 50],
['AAPL', '2024-11-09', 100],
from holding
asof join stock
on stock.symbol = holding.symbol
and <=
add stock.price * holding.shares as holding_value
select symbol, date, shares, price, holding_value

This query looks up the most recent stock price from the stock table, and compute the holding_value at each date:

│ symbol │ date │ shares │ price │ holding_value │
│ string │ string │ decimal(2,1) │ int │ decimal(12,1) │
│ AAPL │ 2024-11-07 │ 1.0 │ 10 │ 10.0 │
│ AAPL │ 2024-11-08 │ 2.0 │ 50 │ 100.0 │
│ AAPL │ 2024-11-09 │ 3.0 │ 100 │ 300.0 │
│ AAPL │ 2024-11-10 │ 4.0 │ 100 │ 400.0 │
│ 4 rows │