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Web UI (wvlet ui)

You can start a web-based query editor by running wvlet ui command. This will start a web server on http://localhost:9090 where you can write and execute Wvlet queries.

For starting the Web UI with a sample TPC-H dataset, run wvlet ui with --tpch option:

$ wvlet ui --tpch

This command will open a web browser for editing Wvlet queries.

Web UI


$ wvlet ui --help
usage: ui
Start a local WebUI server

[global options]
-h, --help Display help message
--debug Enable debug log
-l [LOGLEVEL] log level
-L [LOGLEVELPATTERNS] log level for a class pattern
-p, --port:[PORT] Web UI server port. default:9090
-w [WORKDIR] Working directory
--profile:[PROFILE] Profile to use
--catalog:[CATALOG] Context database catalog to use
--schema:[SCHEMA] Context database schema to use
--quit-immediately Quit the server immediately after starting. Only for boot testing
--tpch Load a small demo TPC-H data (DuckDB only)```

Shortcut Keys

  • ctrl-enter: Execute the sub query at the current line
  • shift-enter: Describe the schema at the line
  • ctrl-j ctrl-d: Describe the schema at the line
  • ⌘-enter: Run the current query
  • ctrl-j ctrl-r: Run the current query
  • ⌘-shift-enter: Run the current query with production mode (e.g., skip debug/test expressions)